Should I Watch ‘House of the Dragon’ Before ‘Game of Thrones’?

Should I Watch 'House of the Dragon' Before 'Game of Thrones'?
Should I Watch 'House of the Dragon' Before 'Game of Thrones'?

HBO’s House of the Dragon has wrapped up its second season, continuing to captivate audiences with the drama of the Targaryen dynasty. With its success, many new viewers are considering diving into Westeros. But if you haven’t watched Game of Thrones, the original series, you might wonder: should you start with the prequel or go back to the beginning?

The good news is, you can watch House of the Dragon without having seen Game of Thrones—and still enjoy the story. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide where to start:

1. House of the Dragon vs. Game of Thrones: The Basics

House of the Dragon is set about 200 years before Game of Thrones, focusing on the Targaryen civil war. It provides a glimpse into the world of Westeros during the height of dragon power. While it references events and families from Game of Thrones, these references are more like Easter eggs than plot essentials. The prequel builds on the existing lore without requiring you to have prior knowledge of the original series.

2. The Impact of Viewing Order

Starting with Game of Thrones offers a broader context for Westeros and its characters. The original series introduces various families and historical elements that provide a richer backdrop for understanding the prequel. Game of Thrones also delves into the Song of Ice and Fire prophecy, which is crucial to the overarching narrative and adds depth to House of the Dragon.

Conversely, if you start with House of the Dragon, you might notice occasional references to characters and events from Game of Thrones. While these won’t ruin your enjoyment, they might pique your curiosity about the original series.

3. Spoilers and Fan Content

Discussing House of the Dragon often brings up Game of Thrones, so if you’re active in fan communities or consume related content, be prepared for spoilers. However, watching House of the Dragon on its own won’t spoil the original series’ major plot points, though some context might be missing.

4. The Final Verdict

Ultimately, either viewing order works, but if you want a comprehensive understanding of Westeros and its intricate lore, starting with Game of Thrones is recommended. It provides a full picture of the world that makes House of the Dragon even more enjoyable.

But remember, you don’t have to follow a specific order—watch what intrigues you the most. Both series stand strong on their own and offer their own unique take on the world of Westeros.

Both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are available to stream on Max in the U.S. So, dive in and enjoy whichever story captures your imagination first!

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